Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Place of doing in future times with femur.

Me: You do good work, but you sometimes get distracted. You have to try harder to keep working hard even when other students are talking to you and making noise.
Kid: I get distracted because I hear voices.
Me: Yes, the other students can be distracting, but you can work harder to ignore them.
Kid: No, not other students. I hear voices in my head.
Me: Oh. . . ok, well. . . that can be distracting, too. . . .


I find myself in the interesting position of filling in for a teacher who may be absent from school for three to six weeks due to a broken femur. This is a special education school, special for a variety of very special reasons, a school I've been to a lot & enjoy - endlessly weird & complex & chaotic. After my second day with this class, I can say I think so far, things are going pretty smoothly.

There are six kids (although I'm told that one of them never comes), all boys, all at different levels of maturity, cognitive functioning & social confusion. I get along with them & they seem to respect me. It's a good thing. We're going to be together for a while. I consider it quite fortunate that I have an excellent teacher aide in the class with me, experienced & ready for anything. Together, we will kick bottom.

Such is things.


I have new glasses.

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