mercury cafe om 4
For a highly indifferent unaudience, I did play mine songies last wed.
.. I am systms
.. levl 1
.. this ladybug
.. cal it Home
.. e blu apratus
For a highly indifferent unaudience, I did play mine songies last wed.
.. I am systms
.. levl 1
.. this ladybug
.. cal it Home
.. e blu apratus
You raise your arms! For
Thou art. Rorschach didn't th'old
pond foundation; th.
Age spat upon shall
be more of, Pouf. Rise, O my
snake, into police.
And copious file
of th greyhaired Sheriff's. But
th first kiss of brought.
Who shall determine
th remained on multitudes
learned your wine yardstick?
Hark down, dipping my
wings, I office of th Rich.
I don't like are like.
You'll! I was alone
in not have not even art
Thou ever. Th Church.
Double, Sherwood said
silent vamp Alla. There shall
be no gloss finish.
There. Th entrance hall
is for gas. Yet I worshipped
her tin discovered.
Prospero burned his
of death and th central roof
where Mandetta bought.
Where shall be of three
thousand two at th. They fled
away at. A no.
At last after art.
A Wonder Bread core of th
mind time, by wood its.
Of Plutonium
by th rejected this as
th Diamond th up.
I dreamed that a bunch of nasty wee ghouls appeared every time I snapped a photograph. To th naked eye, they appeared not, but photgraphic film brought them quite to our attention. They looked not at all friendly or decent.
I look forward to meeting them again.
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1:41 PM
tumblings: gentlemen, ghouls, googolplex
Hello, lovlies,
Hey, th date registers as April 23rd (in slave time), so that must mean some sort of holiday comes about, what say? Happy some-sort-of-holiday!
(& to me personally, Happy VI of Swords / Knight of Swords Day. What windy fun!)
Yesterday, Earth Day came about, & I hope th weather wondered you as much as it wondered us Chicagoans in 80-degree wondermagickal danceabouts. On behalf of Mars, Saturn, & Mercury (th celestial bodies, not th Olympiads & Titans), I register offense at th undersight that all th other Solar planets don't get their own holidays! Earth Schmurth!
I should mention, though, that th holiest of planets, th sextantric dwarf planet of Eris, of course, gets a quite joyunctious day of holi:
September 13 (37 Bureaucracy): Mass of Planet Eris
Smoke 'em if you got 'em.
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1:22 PM
tumblings: Eris Kallisti Discordia, hourglass, joyunctious, schmurth, slave time
Last night, George & I made th trek to Gallery Cabaret & I deposited a fourth performance of vast Nodally Nim tunery. 'Twas a nice time - every time I go to this place I enjoy it just a wee bit more than th last.
.. vejtbls u'v nevr herd of
.. ant lizard dragon man [lyricist: SMarshall] > wil we go out togethr?
.. Non-Violent Tae Kwon Do Troopers [lyricist: Caglar Juan Singletary; composer: David Fox; debut!]
I also played a frustratingly fruitless set on Milwaukee Ave in earlier day, but I don't have th set list to show you. I made exactly one quarter dollar, not counting th pity dollar George gave me.
I've been continuing to study th Tarot; Tiffany gave me for our two-year anniversary a splendid little deck, & I've been systematically going through each card trying to apply th theme of two cards per day. 'Tis an experiment in th power of belief to change th world (my world, my perception of things, etc.). It's a lot like looking for synchronicities & omens & whatnot.
So it's interesting to note th way things correspond. I've noticed lots of relationships between my "fortune" & my actual day. For example, last night, some time after midnight, riding my bike home from Gallery Cabaret, I had a small but painful & embarassing accident with a couple of parked cars. (My groin will probably hurt for days!) I later checked to see what Tarot card I had assigned myself for that day (today), & indeed, it was th X of Swords often called Ruin. According to, th X of Swords represents:
This seems like an apt description of th feeling you get when smashing your genitals by absent-mindedly biking into parked cars, eh?
But th good news is that tonight I will experience th IV of Wands, characterized by:
{{{{{In my own defense, I must say that I have no intention of allowing myself to become "superstitious" in any way. I'm interested in studying belief & how it affects my perceived universe. These represent genuine experiments in meta-belief, & I'm willing to take them as far as they will go [hopefully] before I attain clinical madness.}}}}}
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11:00 AM
tumblings: gallery cabaret, iv of wands, meta-belief, om, tarot, x of swords
I did a wee bit of busking at a new intersection yesterday. I played:
.. sience
.. lov song 6
.. wil we go out together? > ant lizard dragon man
.. prickle-prickle
.. slip on broken violence now [co-writer: NBorden]
.. th posm [lyricist: JCoolidge]
.. how to ferment th colon
.. e blu apratus
.. Maroon Dots
.. hail Discordia > vejtbls u'v nevr herd of
I stopped playing & started to pack up when two people (Stephanie & Carlos, I later found out) came by & said, "Hey, can you play another song? We left to get you a tip & now you've packed up!" They made my day! I gladly played 'how to ferment th colon,' when they decided they'd like a "nonsense song".
Carlos: Do you have any songs about chemistry?
Nim: No, but I have some songs about astronomy. I had th idea to write a song for each chemical element, but they I realized that would be something like 114 songs.
Stephanie: That's true. But if you stuck to organic chemistry, it wouldn't be quite so many. . . .
What a delight!
Until then, though, I had found it dismal, & my total take added up to a mere (but typical) $3.50. Busking for money proves difficult.
Jordan: [just a minute ago, while creating "butt-cards" as a parody of "Yu-gi-oh" cards] I know! The Three Buttkateers! . . . How do you spell "kateers"?
Nim: K-A-T-double-E-R-S.
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5:56 PM
tumblings: busk, butt-cards, kateers, organic chemistry
Hello, friendlies. I hope you exist in chambers of numerous discordant delights on this day & others. Hi to you.
I played at Mercury Cafe on th eve of this day ('twas Discord 28, y'know). I had conversation & pleasantries whilst also drinking caucasian tea & reading about Egyption God(esse)s. Enjoyment ensued.
.. drone
.. Philosophy of the World [a cover of a song by th Shaggs - solo debut]
.. slip on broken violence now [co-written with N. Borden - solo debut]
.. glamorous & glassy-eyed
.. Deenmark
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10:37 AM
tumblings: caucasian tea, discordant delights, mercury, om, shaggs
[[I think my numbering of Daily Grind shows has become effed up. Alright - I'll call this one number 41. I like th number 41.]]
In my Troy-town spring-breaking I did attend th open mic of Daily Grindation at this prior hour to now of 8. Playings did I play: 3 daybyous. Th Good Mr Nick Borden joined in writing & performing th third 'un.
solo song daybyous
1 .. Rudolphus
2 .. glamorous & glassy-eyed
song with Nick Borden daybyou
3 .. slip on broken violence now [words&music by Nick & Nim]
I wrote (1) three days ago & (2) two days ago. Nick & I wrote (3) today (counting Thursday as today - technically yesterday). We assembled lyrics from poetic fragmentations (wee bits of iambic pentameter & th like) & created computertastic backing magicks in day. For performance, he played acoustic guitar & commanded th computing machine. I played mandolin & did singings.
'Twas nice to collaborate in quickness time. I enjoy th feeling of playing new things. I seek rebirthing from Chaotic Wombery.
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12:54 AM
tumblings: Chaotic Wombery, computing machine, daybyous, grind, om
B: whats up?
N: Nothing. Drinking day-old coffee, listening to Lou Reed.
B: awesome
N: That sounds way cooler than it is. Or maybe it doesn't sound cool at all.
B: haha it sounds cooler than what i'm doing
N: Drinking Kool-Aid & listening to Michael Bolton?
B: haha I wish
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11:52 AM
tumblings: Michael Bolton
For my own satisfaction, I wish to review two marvelous post-Principia Discordian holybooks!
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11:54 AM
1 fnords
tumblings: Apocrypha Discordia, Eris Kallisti Discordia, Principia Discordia, Summa Discordia
Tiffany played her hour-long graduate bassoon recital this day (technically yesterday), April 1, which thus rocked this year for three good reasons. I proclaim myself thirsty for a glass of water.
Tiffany played good excellent.
I enjoyed it way lots.
Bassoons exude ultimo sexiness.
I fly on th aeroplane in th morrow (technically th today) & will dance about in Troy-town for a few days. I look forward to a silly spring breakus with localities & whatnots. Let's have magical tumblings & togethertastic atrocious monsters of id.
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2:15 AM
tumblings: aeroplane, glass of water, magical, sexiness, tergiversate