Monday, February 23, 2009


Toward a usable logic for human interactions, communications, constructions, understandings, etc. I welcome comments, corrections, suggestions, disagreements, connections, etc. Send email or do fnord (comment)!

Entities or Objects

Let any letter, word, or phrase represent an entity or object, eg. "A", "X", "computer", "snail", etc.

Cognizing Entities

Let some letters represent cognizing entities, who create a world thru embodying a world. Eg. I, U.


Let a set of parentheses represent an "impression" - a dynamic pattern of thinking about a given subject which comes before language, before description. By putting you in parentheses, I create you for myself. Only cognizing entities have impressions.


reads "I's impression of U" or rather, "my impression of you."
An impression can change from moment to moment, & must.

If I haven't yet considered my impression of you, I can ask myself:


"What is my impression of you?"
By posing this question & attempting to answer it, I can dramatically alter I(U) thru a recursive feedback process.


Let a set of square brackets represent a "description" - a performance of a representation, given in some language, & once given, fixed in time. A new description may be added to th old, & th old may be declared obsolete, but a description, once given, remains.


"my description of you (at a given time/place, in a given medium)."

Descriptions do not "contain" meaning - they get their meaning thru impressions of cognizing entities. Tho th content of a description cannot be changed, my impression of it can, & must. Indeed, I have access to an understanding of a description only thru an impression:


"My impression of my description of you."
Altho on some level, we can both encounter th same description (hear th same story, watch th same song & dance, etc), we cannot possibly have th same impression of it:

I(I[U does not equal U(I[U

"My impression of my description of you does not equal your impression of my description of you."


Let a set of curlique brackets represent a "relationship" between two or more (cognizing) entities or objects.


reads "the/a relationship between I & U" or simply "our relationship".

I have access to an understanding of a relationship only thru an impression:


"My impression of our relationship."

Primacy of Impressions

I cannot know directly anything other than my own impression of an entity, object, or relationship. All meaningful terms, for me, must start with I(.
Thus I cannot know (for example):

  1. U - "you"
  2. I - "me"
  3. U(I - "your impression of me"
  4. U({I,U - "your impression of our relationship"
  5. U(U - "your self-impression"
  6. U[{I,U - "your description of our relationship"
  7. U[U - "your self-description"
  8. U[I - "your description of me"
  9. {I,U - "our relationship"
  10. I[U - "my description of you"
  11. I[I - "my self-description"
  12. I[{I,U - "my description of our relationship"

But I can know my impression of each of th above:
  1. I(U - "my impression of you"
  2. I(I - "my self-impression"
  3. I(U(I - "my impression of your impression of me"
  4. I(U({I,U - "my impression of your impression of our relationship"
  5. I(U(U - "my impression of your self-impression"
  6. I(U[I,U - "my impression of your description of our relationship"
  7. I(U[U - "my impression of your self-description"
  8. I(U[I - "my impression of your description of me"
  9. I({I,U - "my impression of our relationship"
  10. I(I[U - "my impression of my description of you"
  11. I(I[I - "my impression of my self-description"
  12. I(I[{I,U - "my impression of my description of our relationship"

Knowing What I Don't Know

This model may prove useful in pointing at th limits of our understanding.
For instance, I know from th rules so far that I cannot know:

{I,U - "our relationship"
U({I,U - "your impression of our relationship"

But I can know:

I({I,U - "my impression of our relationship"
I(U({I,U - "my impression of your impression of our relationship"

So, I can now ask myself th following question:


What is
my impression of
th relationship between
my impression of our relationship
my impression of your impression of our relationship

&, having given that some thought, I can attempt to describe that impression with:


My description of
my impression of
th relationship between
my impression of our relationship
my impression of your impression of our relationship

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